DSMC and PICMC documentation

Andreas Pflug

Michael Siemers

Thomas Melzig

Philipp Schulz


6 Particle-in-Cell Monte-Carl (PIC-MC) examples

6.1 1D - HF parallel plate discharge benchmark case

A simple 1D setup in Argon with one grounded and one HF excitated parallel plate is provided in this ZIP file. This setup has been motivated by (Turner et al. (2013)) in order to compare results from our code against other reference implementations.

6.1.1 Starting the simulation

The setup file contains four parameter files P1.par, P2.par, P3.par and P4.par which can be started with up to 8 CPUs each. Start the simulation (e.g. P1.par) with:

$ rvmmpi -picmc 8 P1.par

6.1.2 Results

The simulation yields, among other results, electron and Ar+ density profiles along the 1D axis, which can be compared against accordant benchmark results (Turner et al. (2013)) (see Table. 6.1, left graph).

For this example, we can see a certain impact of the choice of the energy partitioniong model (see special parameters) on the low-pressure case P1. While in our implementation the simpler one takes it all model is selected by default, it results in significat deviations to the implementation in Turner et al. (2013) under certain conditions. In contrast, with the equal share model, there’s practically no deviation visible (see Table 6.1, right graph).

The real physical behaviour might be a mixture between both models. We are currently not aware if that can be decided on the basis of known experimental data.

Table 6.1: Comparison of 1D HF parallel plate discharge simulations with our picmc code against the benchmark from (Turner et al. (2013)) (left) and impact of the choice of the electron energy partitioning model (right)
Comparison against benchmark results Impact of electron energy partitioning model


Turner, M. M., A. Derzsi, Z. Donko, D. Eremin, S. J. Kelly, T. Lafleur, and T. Mussenbrock. 2013. “Simulation Benchmarks for Low-Pressure Plasmas: Capacitive Discharges.” Physics of Plasmas 20: 013507 (12pp)’.